Do you love pets want to make sure they have a happy, healthy life??? Join myself and many others who feel the same way!! People in the US spent over $109.6 BILLION on their pets last year and it goes up every year, why not be a part of this growing industry. Six in 10 Americans own some type of pet. Forty-four percent of Americans own a dog and 29% own a cat. Among pet owners, 73% own a dog and 49% own a cat. THATS A HUGE MARKET! Start a pet career by helping pets in the most fundamental way, through nutrition. Its easy just recommend products for pets that are fresher, healthier, never recalled and quality control you cant beat. Your pets and others will LOVE you for it. I have won 8 convention cruises and its so fun sailing the seas, learning and having fun with other people who want to help pets!! Check out PawsitivelyPetHealthyOpportunity and join me on the fastest growing team in the company!!